Losing a Child

There is no word that can explain the pain of losing a child, regardless of age. A part of our body and soul has been lost, and we don't really know how to go through each day.
We walk around like zombies, we try to smile and pretend like nothing is wrong, but inside we feel like screaming in pain, it's just that no one really understand what we are going through.
Some of us are not able to have their pictures on the wall, it hurts too much, or hear beautiful music that reminds us of our child, while others feel they can't have fun or laugh because their child is not able to.
Every single person grieves differently, there is no timeframe, no stages of grief, it is not written in stone how long you will go through grieving your loved one.
All I know from losing my child is that it takes time to even learn how to live with the fact that they are gone, to stop crying all the time and to find some joy in life. When the pain is unbearable, and it hurt too much I ask myself..."What if he never came at all? " How fortunate I am to have known him, seen him and touched him.
Some mothers never had that privilege, and to them I say, your child is with you every day in spirit, you are fortunate to have that!
So, to all the mothers and fathers who lost a child, let's pray together in their memory, let them shine through us, and let them continue to live through us. Our Child was here, he/she matters, and we will make sure the world around us knows that.
One day we will meet them again, and it will be joy in Heaven.

O Lord, giver of all life, I entrust my deceased child / grandchild to your infinite mercy, and I thank you for the gift of each moment of his / her life.
Heavenly Father, you loved each of us so much that you even allowed your own Son to taste death, so that we could all be saved by his resurrection.
All powerful God, I place my trust in you and your promise of eternal life.
In your kindness, may we all be re-united in Heaven someday, and never face separation again.
May my tears and grief be transformed into hope and peace.

In Loving memory of my son Morten Pedersen who left us on August 20th 2021.