All The Healing Gardens Metaphysical Ministries
Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Soroy, MpsyD, GC.C. BFP, C.LAC

What is Metaphysics?
Metaphysics acknowledges and respects the beauty in ALL of God’s Creation.
Metaphysics is NOT a religion, but a Unity for all religions
Metaphysics does not explore religious beliefs and laws created by man, but rather, it explores the immutable laws of nature, set by The Creator, God/Universal Presence, in the creation of the Universe.
Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that studies the ultimate nature of existence, reality, and experience without being bound to any one theological doctrine or dogma.
Metaphysics includes all religions but transcends them all.
Metaphysics is the study of ultimate cause in the Universe.
Metaphysics is the only science capable of inquiring beyond physical and human science.
A Prayer for Strength in Grief
(Praying scripture of Psalm 34:18)
Lord, this grief is too hard for me and I cannot do this. I’m facing so many new things and so many hard tasks. They are overwhelming me and I need you desperately. You have promised to be strength in my weakness and I am counting on you. I look to you to do what I cannot. Order my steps to take care of what I can today and leave the rest in your hands. Give me strength to endure the hard emotions and the deep missing, as I cast every single care on you. Help me sleep well so that I can wake rested and ready for the day and help me to nourish my body through this deep grief. In the strong name of Jesus, Amen
A Prayer for Disaster Victims
Compassionate Lord, we pray for those who have been devastated by recent natural disasters.
Surround them with our prayer for strength.
Bless those who have survived and heal their memories of trauma and devastation.
May they have the courage to face the long road of rebuilding ahead.
And so I pray.......Amen.