Bach Flower Remedies for Dogs by Martin J. Scott & Gael Mariani
Discover how healing power of the Bach Flower Remedies can be used to enhance the wellbeing and happiness of the dogs in your care.Bach Flower Remedies are one of the world's best-known and most popular types of natural healing therapy. Using this book, any dog owner can quickly learn to master this safe and effective system to help the dogs they love with a whole range of problems - from puppy hood to old age. There is even a chapter advising dog owners how they can help themselves using Bach remedies in order to prevent stress and unhappiness in their companion canines.
This practical, informative book will introduce readers to this fascinating and valuable form of therapy and take you on a guided tour of each of the 38 remedies Dr. Edward Bach created in the 1930s, giving you a wealth of information that will last a lifetime and allow you to provide healing support to all your canine friends now and in the future.
The Bach remedies are a gentle, safe but powerful way to easing mental stress, worry and emotional problems in your dog. With practical advice on using Bach Flower Remedies to treat your dog, and actual case histories of dogs that have been treated using Bach Flower Remedies, this jargon-free practical guide will enable the reader to start using Bach Remedies immediately to treat their canine friends.
Martin Scott and Gael Mariani are the founders and directors of the Society for Animal Flower Essence Research (S.A.F.E.R.). They are the authors and tutors of many courses on natural animal healthcare including the Animal Care College's Complementary Therapies for Pets and the newly launched Bach Flower Remedies in Canine Care. S.A.F.E.R. provides training and education to UK animal welfare charities such as the Cinnamon Trust and RSPCA. Scott and Mariani are Tutors and course writers, Animal Care College; Associates of and advisors to the Canine and Feline Behaviour Association.
143 pages
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