Many people stutter, more than 3 million in the US alone, and they are just as intelligent and talented as non-stutterers.
There are more opinions about the reason for stuttering as there are therapists in this world, and it makes me angry to listen to their so called scientific findings that stuttering is hereditary, when it is actually a learned behavior.
I know, because I have stuttered since I was 9 years old. I lost four of my family members that year, and I began to have anxiety and fear for losing my mom. My father was a business man and traveled the world, so I never got to see him much, except for once in a while, after his business meetings, when he came home to change clothes and rest.
I was always afraid of losing the ones I loved, and to be left alone on earth.
The reason for my Stuttering was fear, anxiety and stress. I taught myself to be afraid to answer the phone, to speak in class, or answer people when they spoke to me, etc.
Once you start stuttering, you freeze up, get tense, and you learn to fear your own voice. You avoid going to class when you know you have to read something out loud, you avoid speaking at all, so you withdraw and suffer in silence.
My parents sent me to all kinds of therapists, and guess what; I never stuttered while in session. I relaxed, felt good and forgot my self-taught fears of stuttering.
Throughout the years, I experienced that I stuttered only when I felt nervous, when someone made me feel anxious about something, or just being near a person I felt uncomfortable with, made me to stutter, while with others, I was just fine.
Since fear builds up excessive muscular tension, its reduction should be a major goal of therapy.
Tension, generated by fear, plays a very important part in activating your stuttering.
Tension can be controlled by Vipassana Meditation and Relaxation Techniques, a day at the Spa, in the Hot-tub and Sauna, a Massage, Healty eating habits, and Bach Flower / Homeopathic Remedies combined.
Several years ago, I met Dr. Cornelia Boedler MD. She is a very well known Homeopath, and my Professor and Mentor. She prescribed several Bach Flower remedies for me, combined with Homeopathy, and after a while, my stuttering went away.
The remedies changed my emotions, my thoughts and behavioral patterns, and removed the fear and anxiety I had built up over the years.
I am free from Stuttering, and I love it !
Did you know that when you sing, you don't stutter? So what you can do is to develop a way of speaking that sounds almost like singing. It will help you a lot!
If you feel your stuttering is a handicap, you need to find ways to having a richer life through more fluent speech. You need to feel better about yourself as a person, and change your emotions.
You should not expect perfection, but if you really want to free yourself from stuttering, you need determination to make changes in your way of talking and also in your way of thinking.
By using Bach Flower Therapy in combination with Homeopathic Medicine, you can control your emotions, and become a master of your own speech.